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Thekraken Rising

As a Being of humble loving service in communion with Mother Earth, Karen is igniting a shift deep within our global subconscious to return to wholeness, balance and harmony.


A Bit About Me

"I am here for a life filled with magic AND sharing that magic with all beings!"


Karen Thekraken openly and joyfully co-creates dynamic expansion with every human, system and structure she encounters. As a vessel for infinite potential, Karen loves sharing radiance and celebrating the possibilities she sees in our world. She is committed to the path of greatest impact for the deepest healing and transformation of all those choosing to join.


Freely sailing into uncharted waters with a wide open heart and a deep trust in the universe, Karen exudes an energy of curiosity, play and adventure.


“I believe that we are capable of magic beyond our wildest imagination, and by anchoring into our most authentic self and getting clear on our beliefs we can go anywhere! I’m creating from a core belief system of:

  • there is no hierarchy in the spiritual

  • everything exists and therefore everything is possible

  • love is the foundation beneath it all

  • the Universe is always creating in my favour


And in full transparency, my bias in that I see beauty in all things!"


Karen is embodied in the process of deep somatic release to create space for expansion. Weaving together the medicines of deep witnessing & listening, inquiry & conversation, sound, touch, energetics and ecstatic dance, with a focus on the 5 senses and breath, Karen is able to help others transform and release what no longer serves. With a deep presence, regulated nervous system and grounded vagus nerve, Karen creates a calm, gentle, and loving atmosphere for being with and shifting what is ready to move.


“I am passionate to be of service in an unconventional way that guides you back to your own innate wisdom. You are a uniquely magical human and your own greatest guide! When we work together I’m here as the super excited and committed best friend that is ALL IN with you on your adventure!”


Karen is deeply committed to continuing to grow her capacity and wisdom to serve humanity in this unexpected transformational way.


"I'm creating all of my favorite things, and doing so from a place of wholeness, balance and harmony."

Rabbit Hole

Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

A girl is all things, and especially:

A Girl Is All Things
  • Being of Humble Loving Service

  • Community Wealth Creator & Circulator

  • Dragon Whisperer

  • Grounded Chaos

  • Healer

  • Igniter of Expansion

  • Language Architect

  • Leading Expert in Chaos Management

  • Medicine Woman

  • Pattern Disruptor

  • Perspective Inverter

  • Psychic pSound pSurgeon (pspsps)

  • RingMistress of the Shenanigan Show

  • Space-holding Cheerleader

  • Spiritual EMT

  • Terraforming Savant

  • Vessel of Infinite Potential

  • Weaver of Energetic Emergence​

Medicine Woman

Medicine Woman

​​"My devotion is to live and breathe each moment as though it is medicine for the soul."


Karen is honoured to be intuitively guided by what she lovingly refers to as the Ancient Medicine Woman Spirit. With a commitment to serving as a clear vessel from a place of love, honour and gratitude, Karen is able to journey with those whose physical and spiritual experience is of the 'unordinary' sort.


"I've spent so much time in the depths that it is now where I truly feel at home. And it is a beautiful gift to walk along side those courageous souls travelling to these deep spaces within!"  


Medicine Tool Kit (including and not limited to):​

  • deep listening & witnessing

  • conversation, inquiry & intuitive guidance

  • sound therapy/activations (voice, drum, gong, crystal bowls, etc.)

  • energetics and physical touch

  • ecstatic dance

  • plant medicine (smoke, cacao, hapé, etc.)

  • Human Design (focus on 9 centers)



"Let's talk Chiron!"



  • a guide that empowers others to trust and act on their own innate wisdom

  • one embodied in the knowing that each individual is their own greatest guide, and leads by example from this space


In Greek mythology Chiron was a Centaur famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. He was known to be just and kind, and sought after as a guide for Heroes.


In our solar system, Chiron is a comet orbiting the sun in the outer solar system among the giant planets. It travels in an unstable, eccentric orbit that crosses that of Saturn and passes just inside that of Uranus. Saturn is known to represent the physical structure of our reality, and Uranus the electrifying energy of awakening. Therefore Chiron serves as the messenger between the two, delivering gifts of potent awareness!


"In my personal birth chart Chiron is the driving force of inspiration in my life, sitting 180 degrees opposite to all the other planets grouped together. He is my guide in the subconscious, and explains my passion to be of service for the deepest healing with the greatest impact.


And to really lock it all in, Charles Kowal discovered Chiron in 1977. I grew up a Kowalski, and my dad changed his name to Chuck. Try telling me that's not pure magic!!!"​​​​

Terraforming Savant


​​"We ARE our own Universe!"


Terraforming: a process of:

  • transforming our inner-ecosystem from an inhospitable environment to one that supports creation and new life

  • enhancing the capacity of our inner-world to receive and support the infinite abundance and expansion that is available


​Similar to the energy of transmutation, terraforming is more specific in its intention to create new worlds to support new life.


Using sound and energetics as a medium, we travel through the layers of the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical, focusing on a process of death and rebirth.


By allowing what no longer serves us to die, we are able to transform this energy in a similar way to how compost helps stimulate the release of nutrients already present (yet sitting dormant) in the soil.


This transmutation provides an opportunity to immediately enrich and stimulate abundant new growth.

Dragon Whisperer

Dragon Whisperer.webp

​​"Serving with a deep reverence for Dragon energy that is the essence of creation and power."


Dragons have appeared throughout many ancient cultures in human history. They often symbolize fortune, power, strength, courage, wisdom, resilience and protection.


In the spiritual realm, dragons most often appear as a totem representing one's inner power - the sheer force of creation that each being has within. 


"It is both my deepest honor and greatest excitement in serving as a guide in remembering, unleashing and harnessing this life-force within!"

Grounded Chaos

Grounded Chaos

​​"Perfectly balanced, with one foot planted solid on the ground and the other dancing in the chaos of the ethers."


There are infinite paths to take as we move through the magic of this human experience. My chosen path is one of serene balance between the physical and the invisible, to living as both a finite human and infinite divine being in each moment.


By creating a bridge between worlds and reconnecting what had been separate, we may live from a place of pure creation, bringing our dreams into form. 


Synonym: Unphased AF

Weaver of Energetic Emergence


​​"Like a spider spinning her web, we may weave new pathways forward as we shift, grow, expand and evolve."


This energy manipulation is shared in direct support of new creation. A weaver serves as a clear vessel, intertwining and harmonizing the energetic fabrics of an ever expanding universe. 

Pattern Disrupter


​​"Adventuring into the labyrinth of the mind, exploring the most hidden corners to unlock old patterns and create new neural pathways!"


Neuroplasticity is the brains lifelong ability to 'rewire' itself, to adapt and change in response to the stimulation of learning and experience.


We have the ability to intentionally rewire our mind, and there are many techniques to do so!


"My favorite pattern disruption is 180 Magic, which is a complete flip of perspective. It's like a lightning bolt zap that blows open a brand new awareness, opening up the opportunity to instantly shift direction!" 

Psychic pSound pSurgeon (pspsps)


​"Cats are natures ultimate predator. They possess incredible patience in stalking their prey, paired with an uncanny ability to pounce at the opportune moment."


This unique medicine is a strategic journey to the origin point or root of a specific issue.


Just as a cat will go to the darkest corner of a room with the most stagnant or dense energy, we travel within the energetic field to these hidden spaces to transmute the old into something new. â€‹


Using sound, frequency & vibration along with precise energy guidance, old stories and patterns are unlocked and reset, opening up vast capacity to step forward into new creation.


The container created holds space for the somatic release that occurs as the old patterns and stories let go.  

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